Visitor Impact Monitoring and Management in an Ecotourism Site



Every time a visitor sets foot in an ecotourism site, he/she causes a negative impact. this is an unavoidable fact. an ecotourism program initiates many public use activities that will have impacts ,both positive and negative. an Ecotourism Management Plan seeks to minimize the negative impacts.therefore monitoring and managing of visitor impacts are fundamental ecotourism management strategies. If you do not know what effects your ecotourism activities are having on the sites natural environment and the surrounding communities, then you cannot say that you are successful. Monitoring costs General Management Plan and requires trained personnel and assistance of interested stakeholders.
The first methods developed to address tourism impacts evolved from the concept of carrying capacity. the more simple concept of carrying capacity-limiting numbers of visitors- can sometimes be used as a solution for mitigating impacts in restricted, small-scale situations .in the survey ,disrupting objects, such as carrying capacity and monitoring of visitors activities.
