Determining the Spatial Boundaries of City-Region for Tehran Metropolis and its Surrounding Area

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Faculty of Architecture & Urban Development, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc., Faculty of Architecture & Urban Development, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The consideration of Tehran metropolis and its soundings areas has been the first one of recent challenges in Iran’s spatial planning which made it possible to develop the concepts such metropolitan region and conurbation. However, it is obvious that there appears to be a much more proper structure due to neo-regionalism and globalization in order to understanding of dynamic nature of Tehran and its surrounding. Nowadays, spatial phenomena have probably influenced by the physical and political boundaries which did not make the functional nature of interactions of these regions. City- region is among concepts that have not received due attention in recent years and was only discussed and presented in academic circles. This is perhaps a result of too much focus on the issues within cities. This paper has tried to present an optimum city-region spatial model that matches the spatial structure of our country as much as possible. After determining the required indexes by using of 85 city points in 250 kilometers distances from Tehran, the spatial boundaries of Tehran city-region is determined through flow analysis and estimations of distance from center and finally, by the using of analytical and adaptive methods the spatial model for Tehran city- region, with two cores and 41 peripheral cities will be presented. It is the functional foot print of Tehran metropolis based on daily and weekly commuting by a spatial logic.



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