A Study of Effection Factors on the Balance of The Realm of Space, Province of Gilan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Faculty of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor, Natural Crises Engineering Shakhespajouh Research Institute, Isfahan, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student, Natural Crises Engineering Shakhespajouh Research Institute, Isfahan, Iran


Regional differences and inequality in many countries is a major challenge in the way of achieving balanced development goals, particularly those countries such as Iran which sovereign a large geographical territory.
Due to past poor national and focused planning, development and its basis in geographical regions of the country, has revealed significant differences in the development process. Analysis has been done using documentary and survey data collection methods and a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Data were gathered through documents, questionnaires and Delphi techniques. Then in the second stage of Delphi, using the opinions of experts and officials in charge of the study area, cross-impact matrix was completed in order to evaluate the impact of factors on each other in regional imbalances of Gilan province.
Then, with the use of analytical techniques and software MicMac, factors related to inequality of Gilan province were studied and by analyzing the effect of variables in the creation of regional imbalances, the key factor ,”spatial one-dimensional development“ was identified and finally appropriate strategies to equilibra in Gilan province were presented.


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