Spatial Optimization Using Goal Programming, Game Theory and GIS

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc., Faculty of Fisheries and Environment Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Fisheries and Environment Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran


The present study aims to provide a solution to optimize land use through multi-objective linear programming, and to solve the conflicts generated in the process using game theory, in two cities of Gorgan and Kurdkoy, Iran. The primary land use planning was completed for seven land use through multi-criteria evaluation and then a first allocation was implanted using MOLA. In the secondary land use planning phase, land use optimization, with multi-objective linear programming was conducted considering economic-social and environmental needs. Environmental requirments such as reducing runoff, non-point nitrogen pollution and soil erosion, were modeled using L-THIA and RUSLE models. For socio-economic parameters job, profit and initial costs were considered. To finalize, a multi-objective linear programming model, was designed. The environmental and socio-economic stakeholders have different needs. That creates conflict in the land use planning process. In the final third phase of the land use planning, game theory was used to resolve conflicts. Environmental and socio-economic players were allowed to play scenarios in triplicate. The results showed the winning changes in land use to the extent that an equilibrium between interest groups was reached.


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