Spatial and Temporal change of costal and non-costal urban form in Mazandaran province using landscape metrics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Student ,Environmental science Department, Natural Resources and Marine Sciences Fcualty, Tarbiat Modarres University, Noor, Iran

2 Assistant Professor , Environmental science Faculty, Natural Resources and Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University, Noor, Iran

3 Associate Professor ,Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Arts and


Land cover always has changed due to human activities and natural phenomena,. Intensive and variety of these changes in urban environments are more than others. The objective of this research was assessment of the temporal and spatial changes for two coastal cities (Chalus and Babolsar) and two non-coastal cities (Ghaemshahr and Amol) in Mazandaran province with the view to compactness, complexity and centrality of urban form using landscape metrics. The research methodology was a quantify method and the land use maps were produced in three classes (urban, cropland and water) by maximum likelihood classificationusing Landsat satellite images. For landscape change analysis 12 landscape metrics were used in the class and landscape level. The results show that the NP for cropland in four cities increased, which represent fragmentation, loss of continuity and interference in cropland. Additionally, increasing trend of number of patches was observed in two cities Ghaemshahr and Babolsar in landscape level that showed fragmented structure in these cities. Also, ENN-MN decreased only for Ghaemshahr that means high centralization was occurred in this city. Generally, the significant difference was not observed between coastal and non-coastal cities with the view to compactness and complexity.


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