Foresight Settlement System in Scenario Planning, Improvement Regional Planning (Case Study: Isfahan Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 MS.c of Urban Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Regional Foresight, which focuses on some of the specific land area in a given territory sub-national aims to achieve the desired future decisions, will be operational. This article examines the spatial organization of Settlement systems in Isfahan province And Presentation of the urban system in the horizon 1420. This paper tries to identify the key factors influencing the development process at the regional scale, producing both possible and probable scenarios to provide the in the next 25 years Isfahan province. This research is a combination of documentary and survey methods in terms of category and is based on new methods in the science of future studies, analytical and exploratory in terms of nature, which is conducted by a combination of qualitative and quantitative models. Structural analysis are used to analyze data by use of MICMAC software. The results indicate that the key and strategic variables of Isfahan province development in Horizon 1420 includes: the way of countrys macro management, the way of managing the province, water resources, inter-institutional cooperation, population,Research & Development, role of transnational Province, Investment security, Industrial Production and mineral, level of IT, Tourism,production technology.
Based on the findings, Isfahan province in terms of arrangement space systems will face in the next 25 years with five main scenario: Radial scenario, a scenario dismissed Islands, a cluster scenario, the scenario of multi-center, network scenario. Among the scenarios planned, the network scenario we can see the functional spatial integration in the region and the development integrated and balanced space.


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