Spatial Configuration, Environmental Quality, and Residentials` Density Perception in Settlements (Case Study: Beheshti Town of Hamadan)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Urban Planning, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran


Researchers believe that population density is defined as the estimation of the amount of population and their activities. Put it differently, it is equivalent of spatial congestion. This concept is measured based on some environmental indexes. Also, it is closely related to the environment`s design style and culture and environmental indexes. Thus, the environment has a substantial influence on the perception of density which is assessed as spatial configuration. As a result, the environment has a great impact on density perception, which we consider as a spatial configuration. Configuration, in other words, is a set of relationships between spaces that exist in a particular situation in time and affect the perception of density by citizens and environmental quality. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of using condensation tools in urban planning and trying to create a favorable environment for the residents of Shahid Beheshti residential town of Hamadan. The type of research is applied and its method is descriptive. The information is collected through observation and questionnaire adjusted with the Likert spectrum. The statistical population of the study in Beheshti town of Hamedan is 7652 people, and the sample size is 366 people using Cochran formula. Data analysis was also performed through Spatial Distance Index (SOI) calculations and one-way ANOVA and multiple regression (HMR) tests. Finally, it was found that the lower the spatial distance index (SOI), the more enclosed and compact space, the lower the environmental quality, and the higher the SOI, the higher the openness and extent, and ultimately the higher the environmental quality. As a result, the present study has presented a conceptual framework for planning and designing standard and appropriate spatial configuration of urban space with respect to the level of citizens' perception to improve the quality of the urban environment.


Main Subjects

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