The Spatial Correlation Analysis of Population Changes With the Intensity of Tehran’s Environmental Vulnerability Changes in the Last Decade

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Design and Planning, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Young Researchers and Elite Club, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran


Compared to other cities, metropolises are exposed to the more vulnerabilities derived from environmental disasters because of their population, and the vulnerability of most of them is even increasing. The assessment of vulnerability, especially in specific intervals, generates new foundations for better urban planning and management. Additionally, the concept of the term “vulnerability” has been emphasized in the context of studying the relationship between natural-human interconnected systems, and consequently, in urban ecology. On the other side, population movements in different districts of big cities always follow different models. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to identify the spatial connection of population changes of the districts of Tehran metropolis with the changes in environmental vulnerability intensity in the last decade. The methodology of the research included the assessment of vulnerability in three layers, namely the damages stemming from natural disasters, urban structure, and environment in the last decade in Tehran. In addition, the vulnerability has been measured in accordance with the census statistics of population changes in 22 districts of Tehran in the recent decade. The results of the research modeling show that the southern area of the city has had the highest increase in vulnerability during the last decade, and so, it has had the highest reduction of the population, too. Nonetheless, the district 18, which is located in the west zone of the city, has faced an increase in population despite its increased vulnerability. Moreover, the northeastern area of the city has faced increased vulnerability as well as a sharp increase in population during the last decade. These changes can challenge this part of the city because of possible future crises. Finally, the reduction of vulnerability along with the increase in urban population has happened in the northwestern area. To keep this vulnerability low, the acceptable capacity of the population in this part of the city (especially district 22) should be taken into account.


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