Modeling the Process of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Land-Use and Urban Development of Ahvaz Based on Spatial Planning Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc in Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Khuzestan, Ahvaz, Iran

2 PhD Student in Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography and Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


The land-use changes and urban development are among the fundamental topics of spatial planning. Monitoring changes in previous years and predicting these changes in the coming years have a significant role in planning and organizing urban spaces. The purpose of this study was to investigate land-use change and urban development in Ahvaz with a landscaping approach based on balanced urban development. .Images of TM (1989), ETM+ (2002), and OLI (2019) of the Landsat satellite are the basis for analyzing this trend. LCM model was used to identify the past changes, while CA-Markov chain model was applied to predict the future changes. These images were classified using a support vector machine algorithm of the object-oriented method, and the land-use maps were prepared using three sensors with four classes of vegetation, barren areas, constructed areas, and water zones. The accuracy of maps was improved separately using NDVI and SAVI indexes in the classification of the images. The efficiency of the indexes was measure by kappa coefficients and the overall accuracy of land-use maps, and then changes were investigated using maps related to the superior index. The results showed that maps related to the SAVI index were more accurate and accordingly, they were used in assessing land-use changes. The LCM model showed that in the periods 1989-2002 and 2002-2019, 2602.92 hectares and 31174.77 hectares were added to the built areas, respectively. In both periods, the most changes were about converting barren lands to built-up areas and the least changes were related to the transformation of the built-up areas to water areas. The results of the CA-Markov model until 2029 showed the continuity of the increasing trend of built-up areas, such that in ten years, 2238.82 hectares will be added to the built-up areas, and it is anticipated that the area will reach approximately 12345.63 hectares by 2029.


Main Subjects

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