Analyzing the degree of realization of the integrated regional development model (Case study: Gilan province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


Since comprehensiveness and integration of development can promise efficient use of the region's potential and improvement of living conditions; Therefore, the current research has aimed to analyze the pattern of integrated regional development at the level of Gilan province. In this context, based on contextual theory, the type of response to this objective was qualitative and based on documentary studies and in-depth interviews with 20 provincial experts including (policy-making, scientific and academic experts, private and government sector). Then, by using MAXQDA software as an effective tool in qualitative data analysis, open and central codes were extracted, and finally, selective coding was done using the potentials of the region and the opinion of elites. The findings and results from the comparison of the components of the desired model show that the key categories in the documentation-field dimension in the sections of causal conditions, focal core, strategies, and consequences, respectively, include cases of lack of synergy and integration of process and product, lack of perspective. Wide and extrapolated from the long-term development of the region, the sector-oriented model with a minimal approach to the place and space of development, the transformation of the spatial organization of the regional system. Also, in the ideological-theoretical dimension, the most important categories in the four sections, respectively, include things such as emphasis on the structure and pattern of decision-making (planning, policy-making, and management), political-territorial-organizational and departmental integration, the necessity of changing social and institutional management and Finally, regional organizations have been recognized as the main actors in coordination for the implementation, follow-up, and review of the sustainable development process. In addition, the relationship between abstract and operational dimensions has shown coordination and alignment in the causal and phenomenon parts and a lack of direct alignment in the strategy and consequence parts. For this purpose, suggestions such as the need to separate propositions and components by sector, territory (spatial areas), the need to rewrite and explain previously repeated codes, review the determination of priorities, real attention to attention to the integration between sectors, territories, Institutions and... have been considered.


Main Subjects

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