The Examination of the Locative-Spatial Consequences of the Implementation of Integrated Model of Endogenous Regional Development (Case Study: Regional Development Plan of Selseleh Aleshtar)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The integrated endogenous regional model as favorable locative-spatial consequences and brings about balanced regional development in various dimensions. Due to the applied nature of this study, its objective as to examine the locative-spatial consequences derived from the integrated endogenous regional development model. Then, the strategic question revolved around the effects and consequences of the aforementioned model. To answer this question, the comparative strategy based on quantitative methodology was used. The statistical population of the study was comprised of the scientific and administrative elites and experts in Lorestan Province of Iran (Selseleh city), from among whom 30 participants were selected systematically and based on sampling logic. Data analysis was done through inferential statistics based on the measurement model fitness indicators and structural modeling in SmartPLS software. The results showed that measurement model indicators of “endogenous integrated model” and “spatial evolution” confirmed the measurement model of the study. In the structural model of the study, the accuracy of the relationship between structural variables / latent variables of the study based on T value was assessed and confirmed. Moreover, based on R2 confident of determination and F2 effect size measure, the strength and effect of the relationship between “endogenous integrated model” and “spatial evolution” was confirmed. In addition, the general goodness of fit (GOF) showed that the model had a strong fitness and the data confirm the experimental model of the study.


Main Subjects

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