Futurology of the implementation of National Land Use Document

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Future Research Center, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Dou to the special importance of land use in Iran and the passage of over one year from the enactment and communication of National Land Use Document in March 2020 and the concerns about the practical steps to implement the provisions of National Land Use Document by executive organizations, the main question of this study is that in the light of the roles of related actors, how will this document be implemented? The research methodology of this study was actor-oriented, and the project was carried out based on exploratory and expert-based methods. Data were collected from 23 experts of Iran’s land use domain using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using MACTOR futurology software. The results showed that from among the initial 33 effective actors in the Document implementation, 13 actors were selected as the main actors by the expert panel. It was observed that so far, no strong will has existed in those main actors to implement the National Land Use Document, and they don’t seem to be motivated to so in near future. In other words, the Document content and the potential of supervisory organizations are not so mandatory to force the main actors responsible for the implementation of the Document to put it into practice. Therefore, it is predicted that in future, the implementation of the Document will face serious challenges from institutions and actors. It is necessary for the responsible institutions (Planning and Budget Organization as well as Supreme Council of Land Use) to seriously follow up, make effective communications, bring about strong institutional combabilities among actors, and ask all implementing organizations to work in order to pave the ground for the formation of national will to implement the National Land Use Document as soon as  possible.


Main Subjects

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