Examining the role of middle circles in the governance process of environmental society

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Full Professor of Planning, Management and Environmental Education Department of Tehran University

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment, university of Tehran

3 Tehran University Faculty of Environment



In order to achieve Islamic civilization, a model is needed whose paradigm has fundamental and fundamental differences with Western civilization, and according to the statements of the Supreme Leader in the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, as well as the description of its operational solution in the meeting with students in June2018 to reach the summit. Civilization requires the use of the currents of the Middle Circle. Now, in this research, the role of M.C in the environment-oriented community governance process has been investigated by examining the background of the research. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical, and data and information have been collected based on books and related articles. Due to the fact that the literature and discourse of the currents of the M.C in the political space of Iran is a new and innovative interpretation, for this research, the articles that exist under the title of popular contributions have been used, which have the closest meanings, concepts and functions to the M.C. Based on this, the background of the research has been examined considering three concepts: popular participation, M.C and popular governance. Findings&results show that good governance in the environment requires people to work to solve problems and dilemmas that are related to the functions of non-governmental organizations. However, according to the definitions and goals, the presence of the currents of the M.C in the atmosphere of Islamic civilization can be considered as a way forward. In fact, the currents of the M.C in this direction have the role of persuasion, encouragement, facilitation and acceleration, which can mediate and establish communication between the sides of the government and the people, as well as inform the people and involve them in decisions&increase the capacities of the people through consultation. They make this important.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 08 June 2024
  • Receive Date: 15 April 2024
  • Revise Date: 30 May 2024
  • Accept Date: 08 June 2024